The software that is programmed into the Atmega328 microcontroller will turn on the D13 pin, making it switch from a binary 0 (0 V) to a binary 1 (+5VDC). The voltage across the CdS cell is approximately +2.5VDC, allowing the D2 pin of the Arduino to respond to the binary 1 logic signal. If no light is present, a voltage drop appears across the light-dependent resistor. CHAPTER 1 ■ ElECTRoniC Singing BiRd 3 How It Works The operation of the electronic singing bird starts with a cadmium sulfide (CdS) cell (photocell) detecting the absence of light. Parts required for the Arduino-based electronic singing bird Note ■ An electronic oscillator is a circuit that produces a repetitive sine wave or square wave signal. System block diagram for the electronic singing bird Figure 1-1. Light Detection Circuit Arduino Transistor Relay Driver Circuit Electronic Oscillator Circuit 8Ω Speaker Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2 shows a system block diagram of the mixed-signal circuit connected to an Arduino. Placing a hand over the sensor allows the electronic circuit to produce a sound similar to a singing bird. In this project I will demonstrate physical computing with an electronic singing bird. Parts List Arduino Duemilanove or equivalent 0.047uF capacitor 0.1uF capacitor 470uF electrolytic capacitor 1 K resistor 50 K trimmer potentiometer Audio transformer 2N3906 PNP transistor 2N3904 NPN transistor 5VDC relay 1 N4001 silicon diode 100W resistor 8W speaker Cadmium sulfide (CdS) photocell 1 small solderless breadboard 22 AWG solid wire Digital multimeter Oscilloscope (optional) Electronic tools CHAPTER 1 ■ ElECTRoniC Singing BiRd 2 What Is Physical Computing? The interaction between a human, an electronic circuit, and a sensor is physical computing. The required parts are pictured in Figure 1-1. To illustrate the versatility of the Arduino in turning ordinary electronic circuits into cool smart devices, I will show how to make an interactive electronic singing bird in this chapter. 1 Chapter 1 Electronic Singing Bird The Arduino is a small yet powerful computer board that uses physical computing techniques with an Atmel microcontroller (processing development environment) and the C programming language. Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them. For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index.

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